
Delivery terms and conditions

1.1 To all offers, orders and agreements of www.bbbellavista.nl apply, to the exclusion of any other general conditions, these General Conditions of Sale.

1.2 Accepting an offer or placing an order means that you accept the applicability of these conditions.

1.3 The provisions of these terms and conditions may only be deviated from in writing, in which case the remaining provisions shall remain in full force.

1.4 All rights and claims, as in these conditions and in possible further agreements for www.bbbellavista.nl are stipulated, are also stipulated for intermediaries and other third parties engaged by www.bbbellavista.nl.


2.1 All offers of www.bbbellavista.nl are without engagement and www.bbbellavista.nl explicitly reserves the right to change prices, in particular when this is necessary on the basis of (legal) regulations. Prices are also subject to changes and writing errors and also subject to stock availability.

2.2 An agreement is only formed after acceptance of your order by www.bbbellavista.nl is entitled to refuse orders or to attach certain conditions to the delivery, unless explicitly stipulated otherwise. If an order is not accepted, www.bbbellavista.nl will communicate this within ten (10) days after receipt of the order.


3.1 The prices mentioned are in Euros, including VAT, ex handling and shipping costs.

3.2 Payment must be made in advance in the shop for the goods, without discounts and/or compensation, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

3.3 Payment can also be made in advance by transferring the total amount to our bank account. After receipt of payment, the goods will be shipped.

3.4 If payment, regardless of the reason, is not made and we have handed over our claim for collection, all costs involved shall be for the account of the customer with a minimum of 15% of the total amount and you shall owe default interest of 2% per month over the outstanding amount.

3.5 If the prices for the offered products increase in the period between the order and its execution, you are entitled to cancel the order or to dissolve the agreement within ten (10) days after notification of the price increase by www.bbbellavistan.nl. All prices mentioned on www.bbbellavista.nl are subject to changes and writing errors.


4.1 If we are unable to deliver the products due to absence and/or other circumstances, we will charge extra freight and storage costs.

4.2 Delivery of the products will take place behind the first door on the ground floor, unless agreed otherwise in writing.


5.1 The ownership of the delivered goods will not be transferred until you have paid all that you owe to www.bbbellavista.nl on the basis of any agreement. The risk in respect of the products passes to you at the moment of delivery.


6.1 You have the obligation to examine at delivery if the products meet the agreement.

6.2 If it has been demonstrated that the products do not comply with the agreement, www.bbbellavista.nl has the choice of replacing the products concerned with new products upon return or refunding the invoice value.

6.3 returns are not possible unless in consultation with the manager of bbbellavista.


7.1 For misunderstandings, mutilation, delays or improper transmission of orders and messages resulting from the use of Internet or other communication between you and www.bbbellavista.nl, or between www.bbbellavista.nl and third parties, as it relates to the relationship between you and www.bbbellavista.nl, www.bbbellavista.nl is not liable, unless and insofar as there may be intent or gross negligence of www.bbbellavista.nl.


8.1 Without prejudice to the other rights to which it is entitled, www.bbbellavista.nl has the right in the event of force majeure, at its own discretion, to suspend the implementation of your order, or to dissolve the agreement without judicial intervention, by informing you of this in writing and without www.bbbellavista.nl being held to any compensation, unless this would be unacceptable in the given circumstances according to criteria of reasonableness and fairness.

8.2 Force majeure is understood to mean any shortcoming which cannot be attributed to www.bbbellavista.nl, because it is not due to its fault and is not for its account pursuant to the law, legal treatment or generally accepted views.


9.1 The normal factory guarantee provided by the manufacturer of the product supplied does not apply to all goods supplied. Ask one of our employees for the conditions.

9.2 Injudicious processing of the delivered products can void the guarantee.

9.3 Not following the manufacturer’s (processing) instructions can void the guarantee.


10.1 When www.bbbellavista.nl during a short or longer time whether tacitly or not deviations from these conditions are allowed, does not affect its right still direct and strict compliance with these conditions to demand. You can never assert any right on the basis of the fact that www.bbbellavista.nl applies these conditions flexibly.

10.2 If one or more of the provisions of these conditions or any other agreement with www.bbbellavista.nl is in conflict with any applicable legal regulation, the concerning provision will expire and will be replaced by a by www.bbbellavista.nl determined new legally admissible comparable provision.

10.3 www.bbbellavista.nl is authorised to make use of third parties for the execution of your order(s).

10.4 Since www.bbbellavista.nl is in no way involved in the processing of the delivered goods, www.bbbellavista.nl cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage which arises from this processing.

10.5 The floors delivered by www.bbbellavista.nl work under the influence of fluctuations in temperature and/or relative humidity. Damage caused by a structurally too high or too low temperature and/or relative humidity falls outside our responsibility and therefore does not qualify for compensation.

10.6 All rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these conditions apply, as well as these conditions, are exclusively governed by Italian law.

10.7 All disputes between parties shall be submitted exclusively to the competent court in Italy.